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Wrzesień - 19 - 2021 | Adam Nowakiewicz

DOG COMMUNICATION - how to interpret our friend's different attitudes.

There are three key 'starting' attitudes that every owner should be familiar with. These are:


- body posture in natural position

- ears standing, not pointing forward

- mouth open, tongue visible

- eyes calmly observing the surroundings

- body posture relaxed

- dog loads all limbs - stands evenly on all feet

- tail loosely lowered, not moving

This set of signals indicates that the dog is relaxed. It does not feel threatened or frightened by what is going on around it.


- head raised and pointing towards the source of the sound

- ears standing, leaning forward, moving to listen

- eyes wide open

- mouth closed, nostrils moving to catch scent

- body leaning slightly forward

- standing on tiptoe

- tail in horizontal position - not flexed or wagging

This set of signals means that the dog has noticed something interesting in the environment e.g. another dog or a squirrel. The dog has focused its attention on the object and has become alert.


- ears standing up

- mouth open, tongue may be visible

- pupils dilated

- front of body lowered on legs

- dog makes a "nod" inviting the other dog to play

- front legs are placed narrowly

- tail is up and may move vigorously

This set of signals indicates an invitation to the other dog to play. This may include vocalisation, jumping, etc.